• ロスが身近に感じられる嬉しい時間


Dave: Wow! This place looks like a jungle.

Are you obsessed or something?

Well, one thing is for sure you certainly get more than
enough oxygen.

Billy: What is your problem?

Having a natural look makes your place look homey.

I bet your house is a junkyard, I know you are a hoarder.

Dave: Low blow my friend, I was giving you a high five, as I’ve
never seen this anymore.

Nowadays everything is so plastic.

Billy: All right then, I’ll take that back but next time be
more clear.

You had me confused.

Dave: No problem and by the way I threw out all of my junk.

My home is my castle now too!

Billy: Congrats! Never thought that day would come.

Dave: A real comedian, aren’t you?



★ 解答の送り先アドレスはmelmaga@bybgroup.comまで。
★ 宿題の締め切りは、3月25日2014年、火曜日です!