Chris: I had enough of this clunker.
Seriously it’s going to drive me to the poor house.
May be it’s about time to get something reliable.
Jun: Yep, you are due that’s for sure but a new one will take you to
the cleaners as well.
Chris: I know that’s why I’m thinking about a good used one
because it is not like I drive a thousand miles a day.
Jun: Great idea! You could easily pick one up between 8 or 10 grand.
Chris: I’m on the same page as you.
I’m going to go shopping around over the weekend.
Jun: Do you mind if I tag along? It should be fun.
★ 毎週、最優秀者と優秀者を選んで、
★ 解答の送り先アドレスはmelmaga@bybgroup.comまで。
★ 宿題の締め切りは、5月6日2014年、火曜日です!