A: I am dying to see you, Mike.
B: Same here.
A: When am I going to see you?
How about this Friday?
B: I will text you on Thursday, ok?
B: 「僕も同じだよ。」
A: 「いつ会えるの?」
B: 「木曜日にテキストするから、オッケイ?」
● be dying toは会話ではよく使われています。
1. I am dying to go to England.
2. My dad is dying to meet with you.
3. She is dying to move out.
● same hereはme too/ so am I/ so do Iと同じ意味です。
1. I love to see you. So doI / Same here / me too.
2. I was very busy yesterday. So was I/ Same here/ me too.
3. I am eating out tonight. So am I/ Same here/ Me too.
Same hereやme tooの方が使い方は例文を見てもわかるように
1. I wasn’t busy yesterday.
Neither was I/ Same here/ me neither.
2. I don’t like that restaurant.
Neither do I/ Same here/ me neither.
答え方は状況によって使い分けましょう。Same hereは(肯定でも否定でも)相手が言った事に対して「こっちも同じ」と言う意味になりますので使いやすいですね。
● またレストランなどで誰かがオーダーした後でこの
Same here.使ってみましょう。
I will have a glass of white wine, please. ホワイトワイン下さい。
Same here 僕もそれで。
● Textと言う単語は、最近「携帯電話でメールを打つ」
他にもGoogleで調べたら?と言いたい時もGoogle it.の
There’s been so many times where I would ask my mom to make me food late at night or when I was just generally hungry. Tonight, since I’m staying over, I decided to make her dinner before she got home. For all the times you made me food mommy, thank you! made her some yakisoba with a nice fried egg on top.