”sign up today.”
▲ どのようなクラブに入会する場合に於いても
必ず目にするこの表現sign up today.
Sign upには<~の名前を参加登録する,>
I signed up for BYB English center.のようになりますね。
●I am going to sign up for Curves today.
★Oh, you are.
● Yes, if I sign up today I can save $20.00.
★ That’s cool.
● Also there are no contract and no registration fee.
★ Wow!
★ 「凄い!」
● You should join too. It is a good deal.
John: How often do you go to LA fitness?
Yoko: twice or three times a week.
John: Do you have a weight trainer?
Yoko: Yes. He is really good.
John: How much does he charge you for a session?
Yoko: $30 per hour. He is pretty reasonable.
John: Yes, that’s not bad.
1.I have gained so much weight.
2.Look at these flabby thighs!
3.I got to do something with this belly.
4.I need to get fit.
5.I have sore muscle.
6.I need to tone up my muscles.
7.What is the easiest way to burn calories?
8.Do I need a weight trainer?
9.I did weight training yesterday.
▼ 返事やあいづちの仕方です。
1. Well, then go and workout. 「じゃ,運動しておいで。」
2. Wow! 「すごい!」
3. Do 100 sit-ups before you go to bed every night. ( or 100 crunches) 「寝る前に腹筋を100回やればいいよ。」
4. Cardio work would be the best bet. Like running.
5. Rest for a day or two.「2~3日休んだら。」
6. Weight training would be the answer for that.
7. Run about 20 to 30 minutes per day.
8. It’s up to you. 「キミ次第だよ。」
9. Good for you. 「よかったね。」