• ロスが身近に感じられる嬉しい時間

“Stay out of my business”

⇒ ダイヤローグ

Mom: Why are you still hanging around with them, John?

John: I don’t know what you are talking about.

Mom: I don’t want you to be with them, John.

John: Why not? They are my friends.
「なぜ? 彼らは僕の友達だよ」

Mom:You don’t need friends like them, John.

John: Stay out of my business, mom.

▲  ”Stay out of my business.”は

同じような意味で”Mind your own business.”という

もっときつい言い方では”It’s none of your business.”とも言えますがかなりきつい言い方ですので、

▲ 同じような言い方の例文

1. Stay out of this. It doesn’t concern you, does it?

2. It’s not my business.

3. Why don’t stay out of it?


                   "Stay out of my business"

⇒ ダイヤローグ

Mom: Why are you still hanging around with them, John?

John: I don't know what you are talking about.

Mom: I don't want you to be with them, John.

John: Why not? They are my friends.
   「なぜ? 彼らは僕の友達だよ」

Mom:You don't need friends like them, John.

John: Stay out of my business, mom.

▲  "Stay out of my business."は

   同じような意味で"Mind your own business."という

   もっときつい言い方では"It's none of your business."とも   言えますがかなりきつい言い方ですので、

▲ 同じような言い方の例文

1. Stay out of this. It doesn’t concern you, does it?

2. It’s not my business.

3. Why don’t stay out of it?

                 By Yoko