• ロスが身近に感じられる嬉しい時間


Billy: I know I have over done it this time.

It’s like I crashed into a wall.

Ron: Oh No! What brought all of this about?

Billy: Work has been out of control and not to mention  just to get some me time.

I clocked like a million mile walking just to clear my head.

Ron: Just kick up your feet this weekend and change your directions.

Billy: You got that right.

I’m thinking a little fun in the sun with some friends.

Ron: Perfect, you will be good as new before you know it.

★毎週、最優秀者と優秀者を選んで、 解答と一緒にこのコーナーで発表します。

★ 解答の送り先アドレスはmelmaga@bybgroup.comまで。

★ 宿題の締め切りは、4月22日2014年、火曜日です!